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CCT Publications

Revised Common Lectionary

Copyright © 1992, The Consultation on Common Texts

Permission is granted to individual congregations and similar non-profit, non-commercial groups to reproduce excerpts from the table of readings, provided the reproductions are for the group’s own one-time, local worship and educational activities and are not for sale. Please include this copyright notice on all reproductions:
“Revised Common Lectionary C
opyright © 1992 Consultation on Common Texts. Used  by permission.”

Other requests for permission may be directed to Permissions, Augsburg Fortress, P. O. Box 1209, Minneapolis, MN 55440-1209,

These electronic files may not be posted on a Web page without permission. However, a live link to the CCT Web page may be included on another Web page as a non-sale reference item. If any text of this file is cited on a Web page, the reference to the CCT Web page in the copyright notice should be made a live link.

Year A

Year B

Year C