CCT members Taylor Burton-Edwards (chair), Jennifer Baker-Trinity (ELCA worship office), and Martin Seltz (ELCA, Augsburg Fortress Press) were on hand for the installation of Kevin Strickland, former CCT member and until recently leader of the worship office of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, as the fourth bishop of the Southeastern Synod of The Evangelical Lutheran Church at The Cathedral of St. Phillip (Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta) on Saturday, October 5, 2019. Also on hand, but not pictured, was at large member and retired ELCA Bishop Robert Rimbo (Metro NY Synod). The service reflected the depths of ELCA denominational heritage and the breadth of its ecumenical relationships, with Bishop Robert Wright of the Diocese of Atlanta (The Episcopal Church) bringing welcome, many clergy of a variety of traditions participating in the service, and musical and ritual contributions from many cultures.